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(twd) Vanilla Ice Cream

Oh yeah! This was the fifth time in the past two months that I made an ice cream or gelato, and it was the simplest and tastiest. I think I’m rediscovering the beauty of minimalism all over again!
It is also the second Tuesdays with Dorie recipe I made. I will try to make one every week, we will see how that will go…
This recipe was chosen by Lynne from Cafe Lynnlu [1]. Please go there for complete recipe and instructions!

This was the first time I used a vanilla bean instead of an extract. I am just amazed what a difference it makes. I was little worried once I took the bean in my hands and it was time to cut it, but I followed the simple technique to plump it and it was so easy. Now if I only had my vanilla bean tree! :o)
I also have to say that once the ice cream was churned, it almost broke my heart when I had to stop eating it directly from the ice cream maker and put it in freezer…it was THAT good. I wish I could store ice cream like camels can store water! (hmm…maybe that’s what’s going on with my behind, LOL)

Can I tell you I also made a fawesome chocolate tart the same day? Can I tell you I had this amazing fudge sauce left over from the tart’s glaze? Do you know where that sauce went? Well, you know where. I don’t need to tell you…

Hint, hint. :o)